Bring bevy to the app:

  • After finishing the Bevy Setup part. You can start coding by adding use bevy::predule::* to the source file:
use bevy::prelude::*;
fn main()
	println!("Hello World");
  • By doing this, it will bring all Paths to your main program.

First basic program:

  • The first and important component you have to have in your program is App:
use bevy::prelude::*;
fn main()
  • Initializes new App by App::new() then .run() it.

You can consider App as the Bevy Program

What is an App:

  • An App: there are three main fields:
    • World: A storage for game’s data.
    • Schedule: a collection of Systems.
    • Runner: bases on schedules, the runner controls the broad execution strategy.