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How to install Obsidian and use Git integration

Step 1 Download Obsidian

Simply navigate to Obsidian download page and install the version of respective operating system.

Step 2 Use Git Integration for Obsidian

Step 2.1 Introduction

Once you have opened Obsidian make a vault, then in the vault open your settings using Control+,

Step 2.2 Git Plugin

Download the Git plugin

Step 3 Github Token

Open your Github Token menu here, then generate a token with the permissions to edit repos in organizations.

Step 3.1 Configure Git Plugin

Open console using Control+P, and then type clone, click the Git clone from existing remote repo, then paste below as the address with your token.

https://<your token>@github.com/PolyMathTogether/ObsidianPolyMath.git

As for the directory just make it whatever you want the folder to be called.

That should be it! if you have any problems just contact me ( Makenna ) lol