Bundle is something similar to class in OOP for our Entity. It helps you create easily an entity with set of Components.

Bundle as a struct

  • To create a bundle, pass the trait Bundle before your struct:
struct PlayerBundle {
	health: f32,
	sprite: SpriteSheetBundle,
	marker: Player,
  • Then, you can spawn the bundle in setup system:
fn setup(
	mut commands: Commands
) {
	commands.spawn(PlayerBundle {
		health: ...,
		sprite: ...,
		marker: Player,
  • If you want to create an entity with default value, u can derive the Default trait for it:
impl Default for PlayerBundle {
	fn default() -> Self {
		Self {
			health: ...,
			sprite: ...,
			marker: Player,
  • You can then spawn Player like this:
commands.spawn(PlayerBundle {
	health: ...,

Common mistake

  • U might think that you can query components by using bundle. But that is wrong. You should always do Query<(&Component1, &Component2, ...), With<Marker>) instead.